Monthly Theme: Finding Meaning
This week’s word is Dream
What makes you come alive inside? What is the thing that you can't stop talking about to anybody and everybody who will listen? The thing that won't stay in the little idea box in the back of your head, but which keeps spilling out into the rest of your life - into your professional work, your friendships and family relationships, your faith practice, and onto your bookshelf. It is that thing that you can't NOT think about, learn about, journal about, repost on social media about. It's shouting for your attention. Are you listening?
It's your dream. That longing deep inside you to do, be or achieve a unique purpose perfectly matched with who you are at the deepest level. It's a big, hairy, audacious goal (BHAG). It's got bite. It's got wings. When you are following it, you feel so pumped, so alive, like you're floating. When you are around others who have the same dream you feel like you're home, like you've found your people, your tribe. You finish each other's sentences. You share insights that the other hadn't thought of and their eyes go wide with excitement. That's it right there. That's what it's like to dream. And not to be afraid to dream big.
This week take some time to reflect on your dream. Consider for a moment how much time you give to it. Where does it fall on your priority list? Your calendar? Your bank account? Identify barriers that are getting in the way of pursuing it to the fullest extent that you desire. Who are your partners, your supporters, your encouragers that keep you at it, that keep you from giving up on it? Imagine what it would look like to live your dream fully. What would be different about your life? What would be the same?
Now think about one thing you can do to bring your dream into fruition. Write it down. Schedule time for it on your calendar. It doesn't have to be anything big. It can be something quite small actually, as long as it is something that moves you forward, towards that which you dream about instead of away from it. Share this thing, this one small action step, with a loved one or a friend. Ask them to keep you accountable to follow through, to not give up, to take this step when and how it feels right to do so. And, if this action step doesn't work out, find a different one that will move you in the direction of your dream. Go after it. Look for it. Find it. Live it. Doing so is for the betterment of yourself and the world.
Quote of the Week
For this week's Quote of the Week, watch this amazing video with a compliation of excerpts from "dream" speeches featuring renown inspirational role models brought to you by Motiversity.
Next Step
Ask yourself these "20 Inspiring Questions to Help You Find Your Dream And Change Your Life" from Lifehack.
Further Information
For a deeper dive on the health benefits of finding your purpose, check out this article from Sharecare.
Have a GREAT week!